Shoulda Woulda Coulda
Having time to create is vital for me. It is unfortunate that it took me so long to figure out what nurtures me and brings more joy. I should have noticed in my teens and early adulthood, that taking time out for what feeds my soul, would in turn create joy in my life, give me more self confidence, and possibly have provided focus and direction for my life earlier… Oh to do it right the first time around…
Creating for me is turning soil and seeds/seedlings into a beautiful garden, wild with blossoms and verdant with foliage and rich soil; or taking an old cigar box, lovely paper, glue, my grandmothers old buttons, a little of this & that and a few spare ribbons to create a stunning gift box that will last years and give the recipient happiness and fond memories. There are snippets of this I can recall over my life, and knew at the time in my heart that I needed more (if only I would have paid attention)… more time for creating, more time for my soul to blossom, and I needed less… less crazy work hours, florescent lighting, crazy people, and crowded freeways! No, I don’t yet have the opportunity to get away from all that (yet), but finding balance and time to do what we need is essential…
This Covid-19 thing is crazy, but sitting back and looking at the big picture, my husband , adult son and I have been gifted with all this newly discovered time to spend together, instead of on the freeways, buses (son) or secret side-road routes (thinking it would save time, but only creating more delay). Just the extra hour and a half is precious. Having the ability to take a work break by going for a walk with the rescue puppy(s) or heading out the side door and puttering around the yard… pulling the random weed or tying up the wayward rose cane… getting out my much neglected rubber stamps, mounds of cardstock and embellishments to just create, and even having time for cooking (not personally considered my creative outlet ha ha) breakfast, lunch or dinner… or that precious time with my Lord & Savior… each is giving back to myself and to my family, as a happier mom/wife makes for a happier life! I want to remember this time. Could this be my new normal (what is normal, by the way?)
I want to have it recorded, here on this new fun forum, what is important… no, VITAL for my happiness, my heart, and my soul… no more shoulda, woulda, coulda… let’s make this happen!!