How did it start…
It all started with a yearning to create. With artistic talent handed down over the generations starting with my grandmother and mother, I find that during times of stress, I want to find peace when creating… either in my flower and herb garden or with my paper art and crafts. I blame this all on Covid-19 and more time on my hands. Though starting my own business was not necessarily the original desired outcome, my hope is this endeavor will pay for itself over time.
Finding Our Way Through Grief: A Thanksgiving Reflection
I woke in the wee hours of this Thanksgiving morning, realizing I had been dreaming of Christina and I trying to find authentic fresh fried tortilla chips in the Midwest…

The Big Move - Part 4
Who knew sweet little Dalhart Texas would forever hold some fond memories for us…

The BIG MOVE - Part 3
One of the things any good mom knows is that when there are big changes, take familiar things to help with settling kid/pet…

The BIG MOVE - Part 2
Toby, Emmie and Sammie have been traveling to the vet and back for years (grooming for Toby and claw trim for both kitties), but it is never a fun experience for them or us.

The BIG MOVE - Part 1
As you may recall from my early 2023 posts and FB lives, my husband had some serious medical issues and was in the hospital for nearly 4 weeks within a year (a few days January 2022, two weeks in December 2022, and one week in January 2023). We knew we needed our family, which meant the move closer to the kids and grandchildren in the Midwest… was soon!

Dream Kitchen Remodel
A kitchen is supposed to be the heart of the home, where everyone comes together to try new things, find a hug, or just hang out…

A Time for Awards
It is not often that I have the courage to brag, but these last 5 months have been a HUGE blessing for my life; with all the new friends I have made, reconnecting with my long-time loved friends, time to create, but also an amazing time of growth for my Stampin’ Up! business. At the Stampin’ Up! annual OnStage@Home (typically in person), I was given recognition for my efforts to date.

One Little Acorn
We’ve all heard the analogy of the tiny acorn that becomes a great oak… to believe in yourself or be the difference and see how much it changes those around you.

Slightly Overboard…
Who is excited… ME! ME! ME! How?, you ask can anyone go “slightl"y” overboard? Either you are or you aren’t, right? Haha… as I prepare for my first stamp camp in years (you cannot make me say how many), I am trying to tick off all the things on the list in my head… the problem is… the list keeps multiplying… and darn it all… at 3:00 am in the morning!

Why would I do this now?
As I ramp up for my new role as a demonstrator (along with being a project manager for a home builder/developer, wife, mother & avid gardener), I am realizing how much I loved & missed teaching others how to create beautiful cards & art, and in the process, make new friends.

Shoulda Woulda Coulda
Having time to create is vital for me. It is unfortunate that it took me so long to figure out what nurtures me and brings more joy. I should have noticed in my teens and early adulthood, that taking time out for what feeds my soul, would in turn create joy in my life, give me more self confidence, and possibly have provided focus and direction for my life earlier…